Hi, I'm Arpan Dam, PhD student in Computer Science and Engineering from IIT Kharagpur.

Brief Bio

I am a PHD scholar at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Insttute of Technology, Kharagpur. I am pursuing my research under the supervision of Dr. Bivas Mitra. Prior to this, I have completed my masters from IIIT Vadodara under the supervison of Dr. Ashish Phophalia. Currently, I am a member of Complex Networks Research Group, IIT, Kharagpur. I am doing my research in the broad area of social network..

Reserach Activity

    Currently, working towards developing a novel approach to find the influential members for event based social network under the supervision of Dr. Bivas Mitra


  • Arpan Dam, Ashish Phophalia, Vikas Jain,“A Novel Bayesian Approach for Construction of Random Forest”, 2021 Sixth International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP)
  • Arpan Dam, Suryansh Kumar, Sayan Pathak, Bivas Mitra, “Topic Aware Influential Member Detection in Meetup”, 2023 ACM SAC


  • Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Institute of Engineering and Management(IEM), Kolkata
  • Master Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIIT) Vadodara
  • Pursuing Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur


  • Awarded Gold medal by IIIT Vadodara for Academic Excellence
  • Awarded Chairperson’s Gold medal by IIIT Vadodara

Contact me

You can find me on:

Email id : arpand@kgpian.iitkgp.ac.in.